
I'll admit, writing this post is making me a little teary, because Quinton was here visiting me for almost a month, and I got really used to him being here. He was a wonderful roommate, and I have many a time found myself not knowing what to do with myself since he left. Anyway, enough about that.

One of the loveliest days we had when he was here was this: we drove out to Lunenburg on the South Shore just for the day, explored the city, got deep fried clams and fish and chips, swam on a patch of beach beside the highway in Mahone Bay, walked around on the Bluenose II, and saw one of the oldest churches in Nova Scotia, St. John's Anglican.

What's more, while Quinton was chatting with one of the Bluenose II girls, she mentioned that the Picton Castle was docked in the harbour for the time beinga ship some of Quinton's friends are working on. Off we went down to the ship, and sure enough, one of Quinton's friends was on board. Such a small world! She gave us a tour of the ship, which was wicked. I didn't take too too many photos, but here are some highlights from the day.


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