Newcastle 2014

When I first arrived in Newcastle, I wasn't sure exactly how I felt about the city. Perhaps it was because my first hostel was in a rather dodgy area, and they didn't lock the doors there or clean the kitchen. But as I spent more time walking around, I realized it's really a wonderful city.

Known for its many bridges, Newcastle is spread out over the great river Tyne. There are four or five different bridges that connect it with Gateshead, the city on the other bank. There are two free art galleries, many museums, and a beautiful centre for children's literature - Seven Stories, which was the reason for my trip there. Not only does Seven Stories have a beautiful visitors' centre in Newcastle, but they also have a great archives collection which houses Diana Wynne Jones' manuscripts and correspondence (among other things), and I was lucky enough  to be able to spend three days at the archives studying her papers. Because I spent my days there at the archives I was unfortunately unable to visit many of the galleries and museums, but what I did visit was great. And just walking along the river Tyne was a joy in itself.


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