Camping at the Cape

And, once again, I make a side trip back to Nova Scotia.

Cape Split. One of the most beautiful lookouts in the Valley, perhaps in all of Nova Scotia, depending who you’re talking to. I was there three times last year, and have already posted pictrues from both two other visits.

In the last month of my time in Nova Scotia, however, I went back to Cape Split one last time. Every other time I had been to the Cape, I’d seen other hikers returning with packs, having evidently camped there overnight, and I was always a little envious, because I could just imagine how beautiful it would be to wake up on the Cape with that view, and all that unspoiled nature. Well, in my last month in Nova Scotia we did just that—hiked out to the Cape one evening and camped out overnight. It was absolutely wonderful; a perfect way to say goodbye to the Valley.

Hopefully some day I’ll be able to do it again.



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