Durham, UK

Durham is a quaint little city on the east coast of England just about an hour down from Scotland which my sister has had the pleasure to experience this year. All year. She is living there. Without getting carried away on a tangent of how lucky she is and how jealous I am of her walking down the cobblestone streets and wooded pathways every day, I will just say this: it is a gorgeous little town and she is very lucky to be there this year. I also had the pleasure of dropping by Durham this past September when I was visiting Scotland and England, and I loved it. There is a very intricate web of "foot paths" which are often little dirt paths surrounded trees, and sometimes little stairways up a hill between houses and properties. They are all marked by little signs, like road signs, and you can go all across the city with them, at least for the most part.

This coming week my sister is performing in an opera at her University in Durham, so I have been thinking about her a lot, and it reminded me that I still had photos I meant to post from Durham. Although I don't have as many photos as she surely has, I am sharing the ones I took to give a little sense of how quaint and lush that little city is.


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